Students will complete a final project that applies methods and approaches discussed in the course.
The project must submitted as a single Jupyter notebook with text, code (Python only), results, and figures that describe the problem, the methods, and the results.
You must also submit a 5 minute presentation as a video recording.
In this recording you will present the problem, methods, and results in English.
- The scope of the project should be similar to an average lecture or an assignment in the course.
- You must submit a proposal (see below).
- You may work on a project alone or in pairs (see below). The scope of the project in pairs is expected to be larger, the presentation should be 7 minutes, and both students must participate in the presentation.
- You may use methods we discussed in the course or new methods in the same spirit.
- You may do a project that relates to your thesis or job, but it has to be something new that you haven't done yet.
- You must submit a proposal describing the project you plan to do.
- The proposal should be in English, one page, font size 11, 1.5 space between lines, standard margins.
- The following is a good template for a proposal. You don't have to follow it, but it is recommended. Each section should only include one or two paragraphs:
- Introduction: introduces the question you are asking and your hypothesis.
- Models and Methods: briefly describing the models, methods, or algorithms you plan to apply, their suitability to the question you're asking, and if you plan to implement them or use a package.
- Expected Results: what you expect the results to be (there could be more than a single expectation), and how the results will be interpreted to answer the question.
- Schedule: an estimation of when you will do the required tasks and how long they will take. If working in pairs, describe the division of labor.
- Please indicate if you are interested in presenting a 5-10 min presentation of your project.
- Note the deadline and late policy below; late submission will either be declined entirely or will reduce the grade.
- The final project grade will determine 80% of the course grade:
final_grade = int(0.2 * assignments_grade + 0.8 * project_grade)
- Specifically, you cannot pass the course without submitting a project.
- To appeal the final project grade please submit a detailed appeal by email to the course instructor.
- Proposal: July 11, 2020, 23:59.
- Project: August 30, 2020, 23:59.
Late Policy:
- Late submissions are not allowed.
- Even if late submissions are accepted by the instructor, the grade will be penalised.
- Exceptions: reserve duty, pregnancy, illness, etc. See IDC official policy.
- You may not use late days for the final project.
Submission instructions
- Everything must be done in English
- The submitted notebook should introduce the question and hypothesis, describe the models, methods, and algorithms, present the results and their interpretations with regard to the hypothesis (see Proposal).
- The names and emails of the authors should be included in the notebook.
- The file name should simply be
- Please submit exactly one notebook file (
) containing all your figures (i.e. use %matplotlib inline
- You must also submit a recorded presentation of your project (5 min, or 7 min for pairs). The presentation format is flexible: you can explain the notebook, you can use a PowerPoint presenation, or use another approach.
- The recordings will be viewed only by the course staff.
- The project should be submitted on Moodle.
- Do not email your project.
Collaboration Policy
- You may work in pairs. State the names of both authors both on the proposal and on the notebook submission.
- You may discuss your project with other students.
- You may not share project code with other students (except your partner)
- You may not write project code together with other students (except your partner).